
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: Science and Kinesiology
研究所: 健康 & 生物科学
大学: 缴送工作

What is the 营养 program?

营养 science is the study of how our bodies transform everything from applesauce to zucchinis into energy. It's the study of the nutrients that make up the food we eat and how our diet affects our overall health. Whether you're preparing for a career in the field of dietetics or interested in nutrition for personal enrichment, you'll enjoy the diverse classes we offer.


营养 courses cover areas that include:

  • Pre-Dietetics/Pre-营养
  • 食物 & 营养管理
  • 人类营养
  • 营养 Communications
  • Sustainable 食物 Systems
  • 强度、营养 & 个人培训

What can I do with this course of study?

Students gain the fundamentals to transfer to a university to pursue credentials for employment as a Dietary Service Supervisor, 注册营养师, and other careers in 食物 & 营养.

 What's special about this program?

Employment of Registered dietitians is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations because of increased emphasis on disease prevention, 越来越多的人, and aging population and public interest in nutrition. Growth is anticipated in nursing homes, residential care facilities and physicians clinics. Our nutrition courses will prepare students for transfer to a university.

Students will use their knowledge of nutrition to promote healthier nutritional options for those they serve.


♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.